As one of the most eminent 20th century physicists, Albert Einstein revolutionized our understanding of space and time more than 100 years ago. His theories are still indispensable in many fields of...
Over the last decade, many efforts have been made to promote sustainability in the construction industry worldwide. Construction has one of the most significant environmental impacts due to the...
This year’s edition of the BetonTage congress again welcomes you to Ulm in the first quarter to cover a wide range of topics from all industry segments. As Europe’s largest industry event featuring a...
Present in the Brazilian construction industry for over 60 years, precast concrete has become an essential element in the country’s current economic scenario. This is especially true as signs of a...
Over the past decades, the complexity of construction has increased steadily, which inevitably leads to higher construction costs, errors, and a high level of upkeep, repair and maintenance. The...
Increasingly extreme weather events due to climate change present urban development with new challenges. Heavy rains repeatedly cause immense damage to infrastructure and buildings and put residents...
Sewer systems are one of the most important elements of our built environment. It is the backbone of our health and critically contributes to the performance capacity of society. The mega-trends of...
In Germany, there is regular talk about lack of innovation in the construction sector, with particular criticism of the rigid attitude of German building legislation/ building law. In the context of...
Around 80 % of the CO2 footprint in concrete production results from cement production. Production of cement clinker, in particular, results in high specific CO2 emissions of 800 kg/t on the average....
The construction sector plays a key role in achieving the national sustainability goals. When implementing sustainable and circular principles, companies are confronted with various challenges, but...
The workflow for implementing future infrastructure planning in civil engineering can ideally be executed as a continuous theme on the basis of BIM project management. Start and completion of the...
09 Circular economy for concrete pipes: new pipes made of old pipes Kreislaufwirtschaft bei Betonrohren: Neue Rohre aus alten Rohren Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Jorg Schrabback 10 Innovative power from the...
Heating and cooling buildings all year round using renewable energy – this is what the innovative system of thermal component activation based on precast elements can achieve. This system works...
18 Innovative system components to maximize energy performance Innovative Systembauteile zur energetischen Optimierung Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Friedrich 19 Component activation using precast wall panels or...
Concrete is known for its high compressive strength, which is why it has been used successfully for decades. This material also has other positive properties, such as good thermal conductivity...
Conserving our natural resources effectively is one of the most important socio-political goals of our time. This includes meeting the demand for materials in the construction industry in a way that...
21 Building sustainably? Environmental information for construction products, construction works, and businesses Nachhaltig bauen? Umweltinformationen für Bauprodukte, Bauwerke und Unternehmen...
The growing significance of socio-political issues, such as climate and resource protection, sustainability, and transparency in the supply chain, has increased the demands imposed on manufacturers of...
In cooperation with the Bundesverband Spannbeton-Fertigdecken e. V. (Federal Association for Prestressed Precast Concrete Floors), the Department of Concrete Structures and Structural Design at RPTU...
Due to the rapid evolution of concrete construction in recent years regarding different façade designs as well as sustainability and resource efficiency in concrete structures, the FDB Code of...
27 Comparative life cycle analysis of typical construction methods in road construction Vergleichende Ökobilanzierung für typische Bauweisen im Straßenbau Ingo Besenbruch, M.Sc. 28 Energy footprint...
The concrete industry is faced with the challenge of meeting increasing quality requirements and ambitious climate targets in equal measure. Innovative technologies that improve product quality, such...
The production of concrete or its primary component cement, is associated with substantial carbon emissions and high consumption of resources. To reduce these impacts, various solutions have been...
The design of traffic areas is not only a technical, but increasingly also an ecological challenge. In times of climate change and rising requirements on sustainability, the assessment of...
Due to the intended aim of climate neutrality by 2045, in the last few years, the building materials industry has been using more and more Portland composite cements that, apart from Portland cement...
The routine industrial operation of a concrete plant is characterized by numerous daily challenges, be it stagnant plants or quality problems. These can be traced back to a wide variety of causes,...
Against the backdrop of the sustainability objective of “resource conservation”, the first workshop concerning “packaging of concrete goods” took place in January 2019 as an evaluation of the...
Serial and modular construction is considered to be an efficient solution to drive affordable housing. Industrial prefabrication of wall panels is particularly helpful because it saves time and money...
New strategies are needed to make the construction sector more sustainable while meeting increasingly demanding environmental requirements. At the Institute of Construction Materials at the University...
Sustainability and climate protection are constantly gaining in significance in the construction industry and have come to play a key role in product development. In the face of climate change,...
35 Sustainability in lightweight concrete construction Nachhaltigkeit im Leichtbetonbau Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulf Schmidt 36 Building efficiently using lightweight concrete blocks – Prefabrication of wall...
Since resources become increasingly scarce, the circularity of construction products is of paramount importance, besides extending the service life of structures. Lightweight concrete products,...
40 Experience from 15 years of repair and rehabilitation using carbon-reinforced concrete Erfahrungen aus 15 Jahren Instandsetzung mit Carbonbeton Dipl.-Chemiker Detlef Koch 41 Repair and upgrade of...
Over the past 15 years, extensive experience has been gained in the repair of concrete structures using carbon-reinforced concrete. This material excels with its outstanding properties, namely its...
Ultra-high-performance fiber-reinforced concrete is a purely mineral concrete matrix mixed with steel fibers. In Switzerland, it is one of the standardized, widely used building materials. Based on...
Innovative fiber composite solutions for lightweight construction are on the rise, offering new perspectives for the construction industry. Be it temporary site roads, railway infrastructure, or...
Since 2012, Ginkgo Projektentwicklung GmbH based in Dresden, Germany, has specialized in the pretensioning of carbon textile strands and uses its patented, state-of-the-art processes for producing...
This paper deals with the integration of recycled carbon fiber (rCF) into fiber-reinforced concrete to fully exploit its environmental and economic potential. Carbon fiber obtained from the waste of...
Carbon concrete is becoming increasingly important, especially for pedestrian and bicycle bridges. The corrosion resistance and high tensile strength of the reinforcement allow for reduced component...
To make reinforced concrete components more durable, and thus more sustainable, extensive research into the field of non-metallic reinforcement (NMR) has been conducted in recent years, giving rise to...
In non-metallic reinforced concrete members subject to bending the limitation of deflection at the serviceability limit state (SLS) is often decisive. Consequently, the full potential of this...
When we hear about aesthetically pleasing and high-quality architectural concrete buildings, we often associate colored concrete and color pigments with this topic. Concrete manufacturers are often...
The goal of circular economy is the transition from a linear, open economy to a circular, closed economy in which materials retain their value, resources are preserved and landfill waste avoided....
Concrete is more than a robust construction material with industry character – it is a central design element of modernism, post-modernism and minimalism. In upgrading architectural concrete surfaces...
49 Functional pigments in the requirement profile of aesthetics, concrete technology and sustainability Funktionale Pigmente im Anforderungsprofil von Ästhetik, Betontechnologie und Nachhaltigkeit...
In this study, the sustainability of a concrete mix design for precast elements was improved. The objective had been to reduce the cement content to the minimum allowed by the standards without...
Cutting-edge technology going entirely new ways: in the future, the U5 underground line in Hamburg will run right through the city. Past the Alster, important science and sports centres and the City...
The U5 in Hamburg will be one of the most modern subway lines in Europe. It runs right through the city, will transport around 270,000 passengers a day and the frequency can be controlled “on demand”...
The product quality of fresh concrete can be determined on the job site using a mobile water analyzer. The measuring method used is the same as for all Imko systems, but this probe has been specially...
The new CAD-PRO Xpert laser projector from LAP is based on a powerful technology platform that offers more colors, optimized line quality and improved safety – even under the most demanding...
The debate over greenhouse gases (GHG) has become an integral part of our German society. Nor can it be ignored when it comes to the global climate. If we fail to get the emissions of our modern...
61 Planning and building in the age of climate change Planen und Bauen im Zeitalter des Klimawandels Dr.-Ing. Stefanie Weidner 62 GHG-based tendering – Erlangen Siemens Campus Carbon as a new...
Increasingly extreme weather events, a global loss of diversity and massive dwindling of resources urgently call for a transformation of construction toward more sustainability. In any event, the...
If carbon-fiber and textile-reinforced concrete is promoted in the industry, the buzzword “sustainable” is generally mentioned at the same time. On the basis of the betoShell façade panel, a slender...
As part of the major project “Stuttgart 21”, the planning, production and installation of paving slabs for pedestrian walkways leading to the railway platforms, were realized with precast concrete. In...
65 Stuttgart 21 – Production and installation of heavy-duty paving slabs Stuttgart 21 – Produktion und Montage von hochbelastbaren Verteilerstegplatten Dipl.-Bau-Ing. (FH) Peter Eschenauer;...
Large amounts of grinding and concrete sludge accumulate in the course of the production of cast stones, while high costs are involved in the disposal of the same. The objective of a research...
With their quite unique strategy and innovative solutions regarding the topic of sustainability and environment, members of the German Information Association for Cast Stone (Informationsgemeinschaft...
Joint project: Munich University of Applied Sciences, Hautec GmbH, Meier Betonwerke GmbH, Syspro-Gruppe Betonbauteile e.V. The energy efficiency of heat pump heating systems is strongly dependent on...
73 Thermal activation of exterior walls as heat source for efficient heat pump heating systems Thermische Aktvierung von Außenwänden als Wärmequelle für effiziente Wärmepumpenheizsysteme Annemarie...
Since the adoption of the Federal Climate Change Act in 2019, with stipulating climate neutrality in Germany by 2045, the requirements have also increased on producers of semi-precast concrete...
Concrete is the most widely used construction material in the world. Floor slabs in buildings account for approximately 60 % of the concrete volume used in building construction. Current flat slab...
Amid increasingly complex requirements for construction materials and products, building material producers are undergoing a transformation to become system suppliers while developing innovative...
77 Rethinking precast: Building construction using ultra-thin CPC slabs Vorfertigung neu gedacht: Hochbau mit ultradünnen CPC-Platten Thorsten Hahn 78 Multimodal digital manufacturing for...
Maintaining our infrastructure is one of the most important tasks and challenges of our time. When it comes to deciding between new construction or maintenance within the rail infrastructure of the...
Adding recycled mineral aggregates to concrete mixes commonly used in building construction appears to be a promising approach to conserving natural resources. This paper focuses on the bond behavior...
In the construction industry, the use of prefabricated solid structural components is increasing constantly. This is because industrial prefabrication ensures a high quality standard while reducing...
Fresh concrete’s rheology is key to modern construction but remains understudied due to its complexity as a multiscale, multiphase system. Its behavior is influenced by hydration-driven chemical...
Having been in effect for fifteen years, the old concrete standard was superseded by its successor document published in 2023. This new DIN 1045-2 is a combined document comprising the European...
The construction industry contributes significantly to climate change owing to the quantities consumed and greenhouse gases emitted, which are also referred to as embodied emissions. This is...
85 Climate-friendly concrete construction using standardized benchmarks – The GHG guideline published by the DAfStb Klimaschonender Betonbau mit genormten Benchmarks – Die THG-Richtlinie des DAfStb...
Constructing and decommissioning buildings, particularly their structural frameworks, generates enormous greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. As structural engineers, we thus make a major contribution to...
To ensure the sustainability of its products, Max Bögl Group is pursuing a strategy implemented in a targeted manner at both the horizontal (such as building construction, infrastructural projects)...
When calculating stresses and deflections under service loads as well as when assessing the load-bearing capacity of unreinforced concrete elements subjected to bending, the higher flexural tensile...
Using non-metallic reinforcement based on fiber-reinforced plastics (FRP) is on the rise throughout Germany, at the latest since the introduction of the corresponding DAfStb guideline in early 2024....
In view of the elevated level of carbon emissions and scarcity of natural resources, new concrete mix designs are constantly being tested to meet the increased requirements for resource-efficient and...
In modular structures, prefabricated concrete modules are usually joined via dry joints to form a supporting structure. This construction method enables serial, resource-efficient and quality-assured...
Drawn arc stud welding (ISO 4063-783) describes a fully mechanized pressure welding process for joining primarily pin-shaped fastening or functional elements (such as a shear connector) to a mainly...
HPKM column shoes were developed more than 30 years ago, and Peikko is playing a pioneering role in this segment of bolted column connections. Bolted connections including HPKM column shoes and HPM...
Atlant composite columns (Fig. 1) provide remarkable flexibility, architectural design freedom, and maximized space for users. Using slender Atlant composite columns makes it possible to design...
When bauma opens its doors in Munich this April, visitors to the Masa booth in Hall B1.347 can expect a great mix of new and proven products. While the basic technology for producing blocks and pavers...
Peikko launched the Tebea Thermal Break Element at the BAU 2025, the result of two and a half years of dedicated product development. This innovative solution solves critical thermal and safety...
For years, Remei & BPB GmbH & Co. KG and Betra GmbH have considered environmental responsibility as a fundamental part of their corporate actions. Reducing environmental impacts and protecting natural...
The Bad Canstatt railway station is the second largest railway station of the Baden-Wuerttemberg capital city of Stuttgart after its main station. The station was a central starting point for the...
The regional Kassel airport has been in operation since 2013. Since then, a flourishing industry and airport location has developed around the airport site, where already now more than 35 companies...
Freedom of design in planning and execution: Architects as well as investors and clients appreciate these aspects in the selection of products. Therefore, the manufacturers‘ response is a wide variety...
Production of architectural landscape products demands highest quality machine and automation processes. To meet these challenges with precision and efficiency, companies need to master both theory...
The company Peter Gross Bau, with head office in St. Ingbert in the German federal state of Saarland, has been recognized for around 140 years as an established company along the value-added chain of...
Modernizing and upgrading production facilities is of paramount importance for the construction industry to remain competitive and meet ever-increasing market demands. Habau Group is acutely aware of...
One of the major Hungarian construction companies recently opened a new precast production facility. To develop their precast production, they requested Construx Weckenmann to design a complete...
Established 30 years ago in Belgium, Fixinox is a specialized company dedicated to designing and producing innovative anchoring solutions for building facades. With a team of 10 experienced engineers,...
L-blocks are highly versatile and widely known concrete products used for earth retaining walls in road, railroad, industrial and housing construction. These uses include projects involving...
Moldtech’s major client, which is a leader in engineering and construction, is currently developing one of the country‘s most ambitious infrastructure projects: the Alexandria Metro. The $1.39 billion...
(10) US2020254647A1(22) 20.01.2020(43) 13.08.2020(57) A method for manufacturing a prefabricated concrete product is disclosed, in which method, a concrete slab with a recess at its upper surface is...
(10) WO2024247577A1(22) 25.04.2024(43) 05.12.2024(57) The problem of the present invention is to provide a method for correcting the inclination of a concrete slab, when one side of the concrete slab...
(10) CN118635348(22) 15.08.2024(43) 13.09.2024(57) The invention discloses metal mold extrusion equipment for a concrete prefabricated part, and relates to the field of metal mold extrusion forming...
(10) DE102023117193A1(22) 29.06.2023(43) 02.01.2025(57) Die Erfindung betrifft eine Elementplatte zum Herstellen einer Halbfertigteildecke, aufweisend ein armiertes Betonbrett, aus dessen Oberseite...
(10) EP4434705A2(22) 14.10.2022(43) 25.09.20274(57) The present invention relates to a method of manufacturing a hollowcore concrete slab comprising fixing an active reinforcement to a table, the...
(10) WO2024223783A2(22) 25.04.2024(43) 31.10.2024(57) The invention relates to a transport and lifting device (100) of a formwork support structure (101) for concrete slab formworks, wherein the...
(10) DE102023002612A1(22) 28.06.2023(43) 02.01.2025(57) Die Anmeldung betrifft ein Verbindungselement (3) zum festen Verbinden eines Endes (4) eines ersten Bewehrungsstabs (2) einer Betonbewehrung (1)...
(10) EP3988733A1(22) 25.10.2021(43) 27.04.2022(57) Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft eine Vorrichtung (1) zur beabstandeten Anordnung von Beton-Elementdeckenteilen (10) mit einem einen Obergurt (15)...
(10) EP4480658A1(22) 23.04.2024(43) 25.12.2024(57) A method for manufacturing a ceramic-concrete building element, characterized in that the method comprises: applying (3) a strip of a polymeric...
(10) JP2023086190(22) 10.12.2021(43) 22.06.2023(57) To provide a new construction method for a prefabricated manhole which fundamentally reviews a conventional prefabricated manhole structure, and...
(10) WO2024246274A1(22) 31.05.2024(43) 05.12.2024(57) Holding device for temporarily supporting a wire loop box during casting of a concrete element in a mould, the wire loop box having a housing...
(10) WO2024243677A1(22) 23.05.2024(43) 05.12.2024(57) A connectable panel for a stay-in-place modular concrete formwork system neatly stacks with other identical connectable panels. In a stack of such...
(10) CN117754709(22) 12.12.2023(43) 26.03.2024(57) The invention relates to the technical field of concrete precast slab manufacturing, and discloses a concrete precast slab production-based pouring...
(10) WO2024258286A1(22) 17.06.2024(43) 19.12.2024(57) The invention relates to a method for fabricating a concrete slab (100) with an elongated channel (103) by using a digging tool (120) which...