69th BetonTage will take place in March

The print date submission date for BFT issue 6/2024 before you, dear readers, coincides with the day of the opening of the 68th BetonTage in Ulm. Logical, really that the post-event reports on the BetonTage – which, next to the BIBM Congress, is the most important event of the European precast industry – can be published only in the following issue. This time, however, we have made an exception and have hastily cobbled together a preliminary short article. First, attendance to the event slightly increased approx. 2,000 participants over previous years. And, second, the Cottbus start-up Sonocrete, with its high-performance ultrasound premixing plant, impressively won the 2024 Innovation Award of the Supplier Industry for Concrete Components, about which you can read on page 4.

The Sonocrete premixing plant accelerates the reaction of the cement, and thus the hydration of the concrete with the aid of high-performance ultrasound technology – entirely without the use of heat or chemical activators. Bids to the Innovation Award have been invited since 2002 by FBF Betondienst GmbH, organizer of BetonTage, jointly with the technical magazine BFT International Betonwerk + Fertigteil-Technik.

We would therefore like to take this opportunity to remind you to plan your dates in good time: the 69th BetonTage will take place from March 11-13, 2025. Your BFT International will once again be on site as a media partner.


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