A house dedicated to Albert Einstein
As one of the most eminent 20th century physicists, Albert Einstein revolutionized our understanding of space and time more than 100 years ago. His theories are still indispensable in many fields of science and technology. His hometown of Ulm also has a reputation for excellence in research and development. Thanks to institutions such as the college, the university, and various research centers, as well as the BetonTage congress, the city’s potential in the academic, engineering, and economic realms is nothing short of impressive.
However, Ulm lacks an internationally renowned institution that would make Einstein’s groundbreaking insights visible while communicating their significance to society at large. This is exactly where the Albert Einstein Discovery Center Ulm e.V. comes in. This association is pursuing the ambitious goal of building an Albert Einstein Discovery Center right in the middle of the city.
On the evening of November 24, 2024, renowned architect Daniel Libeskind presented his long-awaited preliminary design for the Albert Einstein Discovery Center in Ulm to the public. The building’s striking skyline reflecting Einstein’s physical theories in curvilinear shapes and its impressive dimensions making optimal use of the available space will inevitably attract any observer’s attention.
The Einstein Discovery Center will be built on the site of the current glazed building of Stadtwerke Ulm/Neu-Ulm, the municipal utility. It will provide a floor space of 2,500 m² across five stories and extend to a height of up to 50 meters. Its basement will accommodate service rooms and an underground parking garage. The building will be constructed of timber, while the wall panels will be made of carbon-absorbing ceramics providing the option of incorporating windowpanes. The roof will be equipped with photovoltaic systems, and the use of geothermal energy will also be considered. As architect Daniel Libeskind pointed out, the focus is on building as sustainably as possible. One might think, though, that a wooden building is just not doable in the city hosting the BetonTage congress…
The concrete industry has effective tools at its disposal to meet sustainability requirements, and all we need to do is to pull them out of the drawer. Now more than ever, we need to underscore the durability and longevity of building with concrete as major benefits of this method. Designing the structural framework for adaptability and flexibility ensures that concrete structures serve their purpose perfectly across generations. It is no rocket science for structural engineers and construction contractors to choose clinker-efficient cement, to select strength classes carefully, and to reduce concrete and steel consumption without compromising on strength and durability.
We should take the “timber construction euphoria” as a challenge and incentive to make concrete construction even more sustainable, following Einstein’s maxim: “The purest form of insanity is to leave everything as it is and still hope that something will change.”
On this note, we wish you many inspiring insights into sustainability at the 69th BetonTage congress.
Yours sincerely,
Michael Haist and Udo Wiens