New Self-compacting Filling Material for Pipeline Trenches

From the Suitability Test to Quality Assurance

 Based on data provided by the German Federal Office of Statistics, the total length of all public sewer systems in Germany in 2001 was approx. 490.000 km [1]. A survey conducted by the German Association for Water Management, Sewage and Waste (DWA) in 2004 [1] found that of this approx. 20 % are in need of immediate to short-term repair. Additional 21.5 % were found to have minor damage and need to be repaired in the long-term (Fig. 1).

According to [1], the average costs for sewer rehabilitation determined based on the figures estimating the costs for repair, renovation and renewal in 2004 amount to 540 euros per meter repaired sewer. For the rehabilitation of damaged pipes in need of immediate or medium-term repair in the public sewer system, an amount of approx. 50 to 55 billion euros must therefore be reckoned with. From the standpoint of the national economy, a long-lasting repair should be aimed for. One option to achieve this goal is to renew such pipelines by open-cut construction method. Requisite for this is, among...

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