Construction industry USA - Part 2: building construction
US building construction has not yet fully recovered from the 2008/09 recession. Demand for homes and apartments continues to be weak. 2010 also saw a significant decline in commercial construction activity. 2011 residential forecasts again assume growth. German construction companies and architects are not in a good position in the United States due to the overwhelming domestic competition. Investments in other companies and supplies are generally possible.
Market trend/demand
In US residential construction, the total value of 2010 construction activity rose by 6% to about US$268.7 billion compared to the previous year, according to preliminary data. By contrast, the total value of the construction of buildings and facilities in the commercial and industrial sectors declined by 18% and settled at US$360.3 billion
(i.e. a 13% downturn compared to 2009). According to the „Construction Outlook Report“ published by FMI consultants, total US construction activity (including civil engineering) went down by 7% in 2010, arriving at an amount of US$842.2...