Darmstadt Precast Days – concentrated expertise

The Darmstadt Precast Days will take place, for the ninth time, on 21 and 22 March and on 7 and 8 April 2016, at TU Darmstadt. Recognized experts will share well-founded and practice-related specialized knowhow on precast construction. The hosts of the Darmstadt Precast Days – TU Darmstadt, the Department of Reinforced Concrete Construction, the InformationCenterConcrete (IZB), the Regional Office West, and the Association of German Precast Construction (FDB) – invite engineers and planners who want to deepen their knowledge of advanced and sustainable construction methods. Students from German universities who are about to enter the world of precast concrete engineering are also invited to attend this officially and nation-wide accredited ongoing-qualification event in Darmstadt.

All information, regulatory specifications and specifics of precast concrete engineering reflect the state of the art (Eurocode 2, ENEV 2016). The program of the Darmstadt Precast Days is flexibly oriented to innovations in the industry: the key lectures are supplemented every year by treatment of current topics and recent projects.

From design to erection

The first day of the event goes under the heading of “Conception, design, planning process, and production” – with three highly practice-related lectures – and offers in 2016 insights into the design and planning process for all aspects of architectural requirements, production processes in the precast plan, including transport and erection, the relevant European standards, as well as current developments in design and planning software.

On the following days, precast constructions – including design, project teamwork, type classification, design principles, tolerances, and floor systems – as well as prestressing and façades will be closely examined. And the topics of concrete mix composition, fire protection, computer-aided engineering, and connections in precast construction (with design and sizing) will also be sufficiently covered.

The scheduled days of the Darmstadt Precast Days can be attended either in blocks or individually. They are officially accredited as ongoing qualification by the Chambers of Architecture and Professional Engineers in Hesse and North Rhine-Westphalia as well as by the Chamber of Professional Engineers of Rhineland-Palatinate. Registration takes place via www.beton.org  Participation on all four event days is recommended in the context of comprehensive ongoing education for the field of precast construction engineering.

Register now for the Darmstadt Precast Days.



Fachvereinigung Deutscher Betonfertigteilbau e. V.

Schloßallee 10

53179 Bonn/Germany

+49 228 9545656



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