Red cable- and pipe lead-through from Hauff-Technik

A reliable solution for concrete walls

Moisture or even water unleash destructive forces in buildings of all types. In buildings used for electric power supply, e.g. in substations, distribution stations or transformer stations, they can cause electric short circuits with devastating consequences. In buildings used for gas and water supply, they can lead to premature corrosion [1]. Utility cables and pipes are always led into buildings from the outside. This imposeshigher requirements on the necessary lead-throughs that must be conducted below ground level into basements.

The entry must be carried out carefully and designed to meet the local requirements. Putting blind trust in randomly executed lead-throughs will usually result in high follow-up costs. Watertight, tested lead-through systems must be used, if only because water tends to collect in cable and pipe routes. This design should also be installed in water-bearing cohesive soils, in buildings erected on steep slopes or in buildings in areas with higher groundwater level to prevent water ingress. The basements (walls and ground slabs) should be provided with a waterproof concrete lining or an external...

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