Advanced techniques in prefabricated concrete
Why openBIM should be taught and not bought
(Brian H. Rasmussen)
Why it is not enough to simply demand openBIM as part of a contract or project, but why we need to teach each other, across branches, what we need and why we need it.
Smart mould solutions for 3D precast room systems and modular construction (Jörg Reymann)
Modular construction was for a long time and still remains one of the trending topics throughout construction industry. Further development of concrete and digital technologies enhance the design possibilities, variability and acceptance.
This entails, that production equipment, mainly the forming solutions should also adapt to increased complexity, efficiency demands and the wish for flexibility.
As innovation leader in magnetic formwork technology, RATEC has thriven to also provide “better ideas” in the field of 3D elements production and has presented its own mould solutions to the market in the past few years. The presentation will give an overview of RATEC’s 3D mould program and previously finished projects, showcasing the challenges and how they can be met.
Design for Disassembly – why, how and what in practice (Topi Paananen & Kasper Guldager Jensen)
In order to meet the requirements of Circular Economy, the concrete precast industry need to rethink its approach on how the ready building components can be assembled as well as disassembled: how the existing building can be considered more as a material bank of valuable components and not waste with zero or negative commercial value. The view from the investor and architecture are presented, as well as technical examples, pilot projects and current research work within this area.
Advanced techniques in prefabricated concrete
(Kimmo Lintula)
Global growth and urban densification need ever growing material resources and energy. Local means culturally and socially more sustainable approach, applications of global knowledge and advanced techniques at the same time diminished use of energy for transport and material production.
The presentation will show built examples of material system applications with advanced techniques in concrete.