Christmas draw: congratulations to the winners!
In our last BFT newsletter in 2017, we had invited you to participate in our Christmas draw. Prizes included copies of the brand-new Beton Bauteile 2018 yearbook as well as day tickets for the Precast Show 2018 in Denver, United States. The members of the BFT team were pleased about the large number of participants. Our congratulations go to the following winners:
Stefan Fastermann, of B+S Engineering, Rheine; Alexander Hieber, of Hieber Betonfertigteilwerk, Wörleschwang; Guido Krage, of Henneker, Zillinger Ingenieure, Bonn; and Christina Wirth, of V. Fraas Solutions in Textile, Helmbrechts. Prizes have already been sent to the winners. We wish them an interesting read and an enjoyable stay at the Precast Show!