Concrete seminars in 2018/19

The Landesvereinigung Bauwirtschaft Baden-Württemberg (Baden-Württemberg State Construction Industry Association), Industrieverband Steine und Erden Baden-Württemberg (Baden-Württemberg Minerals Industry Association), InformationsZentrum Beton (Concrete Information Center), Beton- und Bautechnik-Verein (Concrete and Construction Engineering Association), and Fachverband Beton- und Fertigteilwerke Baden-Württemberg (Baden-W. Association of Concrete and Precast Plants) have again joined forces to offer a wide range of “Arge Beton” seminars in the 2018/19 period.

The “Basic Concrete Knowledge” seminar will be held in November and December 2018 as well as in March and May 2019. Attendees will get answers to questions regarding the composition of concrete, the way it is produced, and things to pay attention to during concrete placement. Participants will also carry out simple hands-on exercises.

The “Reinforcement Installation Practice” seminar will take place in January 2019 in Aalen and in March 2019 in Bühl. This two-day seminar will present information on the provisions of EC2 and include many hands-on exercises so as to provide skilled workers and managers of construction contractors and precast operations.


BFT website to provide downloadable seminar program from July 2018

The 2018/19 program includes additional seminars covering the following topics: architectural concrete in practice, concrete testing, continuing training for participants in the concrete testing seminar, seminar to obtain the “E-Schein” (certificate of extended concrete technology training), continuing training for “E-Schein” holders and concrete engineers, preparatory seminar with admission exam on protecting, repairing, connecting and strengthening structural concrete components (SIVV introductory course), SIVV seminar without introductory course, continuing training for SIVV certificate holders.

From July 2018, the PDF file listing all seminars, dates and venues (in German language) will be downloadable from the BFT International website at //" target="_blank" > Just enter its title “Lehrgänge 2018/2019” (i.e. “Seminars in 2018/19”) in the search field in the top right area of the start page.


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