(10) US 2018/0245358 Al
(22) 27.04.2018
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(57) A method and apparatus for forming a formwork for a ribbed or waffle concrete slab is provided. The apparatus includes a rectangular block...
(10) US2023399801A1
(22) 09.06.2023
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(57) Various embodiments of the present disclosure provide a cast-in-place concrete slab load transfer and slab connection apparatus and method of...
(10) US 2022/0282475 Al
(22) 23.05.2022
(43) 08.09.2022
(57) A lifting system utilizing a lifting apparatus for lifting a floor (e.g., a concrete slab) using the lifting apparatus to support a floor...
(10) US2022282475A1
(22) 23.05.2022
(43) 08.09.2022
(57) A lifting system utilizing a lifting apparatus for lifting a floor (e.g., a concrete slab) using the lifting apparatus to support a floor from...
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(22) 21.04.2023
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(57) An apparatus for automatically extruding and forming a finished concrete channel in a drainage ditch. The apparatus includes a frame having...