
French concrete industry meets in Épernon

The third Expertise & Construction Day will take place on 6 July 2017 in Épernon, located around 80 km southwest of Paris. The event is organized by the Cerib Study and Research Center for the Concrete Industry (­Centre d’Études et de ­Recherches de l’Industrie du Béton), the leading research institute for this industry in France.

This year, the same as for previous events in 2015 and 2016, there will be scientific lectures on topical subjects, an exhibition by the supplier industry, and guided tours of the laboratories of the Study and Research Center. Representatives of science and research, building contractors and concrete manufacturers, as well as the supplier industry, will participate. The exhibitors last year included Kniele, Wasa, Würschum, and Ecofrog.

Cerib was established in 1967, on the initiative of the Fédération l’Industrie du Beton (Federation of the Concrete Industry, FIB), by the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Commerce and Finance in France.


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