General meeting 2018 with two award presentations

The annual meeting of the North-Rhine/Westphalian concrete quality assurance association Güteschutz Beton NRW took place on 23 November in Geseke, Germany. Managing Director Stefan Zwolinski emphasized that quality assurance in the precast concrete history was established by private industry already in 1950, of the kind that for many other construction products was implemented just now in response to changes in building law.

Seals for quality

Participants were presented for the first time with plaques bearing seals that point out the certified quality. The new and so far unique “certpoint” system available as online archive for supervisory documentation and certificates was presented. Established at the beginning of 2018, it has been shown to be of great assistance to industry and customers.

Daniel Günter was newly elected to the Executive Board as successor to Stanecker, who steps down after six years. A tour of Zementwerk Spenner in Erwitte, Germany, marked the end of the meeting. At the end of the meeting, the participants visited Zementwerk Erwitte.


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