Employment and Training

Integration of Refugees in Practice

“Young Refugees in Training” and “Refugees in Training and Employment” are the projects for integrating refugees into the training and labor market of both the Swabia and Ulm Chamber of Commerce. The aim is to facilitate the integration of refugees into our society through education, training and work. With the projects, the chambers especially want to support their member companies. They are to receive extensive advice and support from the chambers in order to utilize refugees to actively counter the shortage of skilled labor.

However, in order to be able to train or employ refugees, various...

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Refugee Migration in Germany

From a quantitative perspective, the 2014–15 refugee migration to Germany is historically unique. The majority of incoming asylum seekers are young: in the first half of 2016, over 70 percent were...


Further training to master craftsman: „The demand is huge“

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Energy saving potentials of curing chambers

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Issue 02/2018 BBF

New master craftsman’s course and continuing training

At the annual event held on 23 October 2017 in Regenstauf near Regensburg, Germany, the Berufsförderungswerk für die Beton- und Fertigteilhersteller e. V. (BBF; Association for the Advancement of...

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The master craftsman course at Ferdinand-von-Steinbeis School in Ulm

Master craftsman training in Ulm – The opportunity for further training to become a master craftsman as well as the procedure and the objective of the master craftsman course is not or only...
