Modular mesh welding machine for precast concrete plants
As mesh welding machines require high investment costs and a large installation footprint, reinforcement is manually made at most of the manufacturers of walls and floors. Due to its modular design, the new mesh welding machine type MSM-M developed by MBK meets the very different customer requests while just requiring a footprint of 35 x 12 x 4m. The compact machine footprint is due to a circulation system on several levels, allowing the production of reinforcement wire mesh of up to 12 x 3.8m in size. The circulation system, furthermore, provides the possibility to manufacture reinforcement wire mesh both for floors and walls. The standard version of the machine processes wire diameters of 6, 8, 10 and 12mm, with additional wire diameters up to 16mm as an option.
CAD generated data transfer
The wire is fed through a rotor straightening machine with cutting unit, pulling the wire in the diameter requested directly off the coil, straightening it and cutting it to the length needed and then exactly placing it on the prepositioned pallet by means of a special transportation system. This prevents any subsequent shifting of the wire. All the parameters, such as wire thickness, positions and block-outs as window and door openings are directly generated from the CAD data and transferred to the machine via the integrated interface Unitechnik. Optionally the customer can choose from various grid patterns. A wire spacing of up to 25mm and minimum wire lengths of 200mm are possible depending on the choice made.
The positioning of the wire is followed by the welding process. The basic version is operating with two welding heads that are controlled independent of each other. This version allows an output of up to approx. 80m² per hour. The finished mesh is taken off the pallet with the aid of a means of conveyance and then it is either buffered or carried to the next production unit. In order to improve the output to up to 140m² per hour as well as to achieve a higher flexibility, it is possible to increase the number of welding heads upon request. All work processes run in parallel to each other in order to achieve the highest efficiency. As an option, solutions for bending and crimping as well as the intermediate buffering of the mesh can be offered in the overall package.
The MSM-M received a very positive response from the market actors, to whom it has been presented since the beginning of December 2012, as stated by the supplier MBK.