From ideas to standardized application

New material developments in construction –


Seven partners from research, industry and standardization (see Fig. 1) have joined forces to accelerate the transfer of innovative materials from the laboratory scale to practice. The “WiTraBau – Wissenstransfer im Bauwesen” (Knowledge Transfer in the Construction Industry) project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) forms part of the new BMBF materials research program entitled “From Material to Innovation”. This project focuses on disseminating research outcomes and supporting exploitation of results achieved in projects covered by the...

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Since December 2014, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has been funding the “WiTraBau – Wissenstransfer im Bauwesen” (Knowledge Transfer in the Construction Industry) project...

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WiTraBau: New materials developments for concrete pipes

The formulation of highly resistant nanotechnologically optimized fine mortars and concretes (UHSC) for protecting the surfaces of structures made of normal-strength concrete, and the development of...

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BMBF joint research project on R concrete

The BMBF joint research project on R concrete was presented with its objectives, contents, and the first results on the 61st BetonTage congress. On the occasion of the 62nd BetonTage congress 2018,...
