System and method for producing prestressed concrete composite beam ...
(10) WO 2020/075195 Al
(22) 10.10.2019
(43) 16.04.2020
(57) A system and method for manufacturing composite prestressed concrete (PSC) beams using Basalt Fibre Reinforced Polymer (BFRP) bars as a prestressing element in concrete are disclosed. The method comprises the steps of: providing a T-frame having a back supporting beam (12) and a mid-supporting beam (5) connected to each other, providing a spandrel beam (13) with a built-up section comprising of two rolled steel sections of ISMS-150 and two steel plates, providing two steel formworks (6) placed beside the T-frame to cast the concrete beams; positioning at least one BFRP bar (1) placed inside each of the two steel formworks (6), simultaneous pre-tensioning of both the BFRP bars (1), pouring concrete in the two steel formworks to cast concrete beams and curing the concrete in the two steel formworks and releasing the prestress in the BFRP bars to transfer the prestress to concrete beams.
(71) INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY [IN/IN]; Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Powai, Mumbai-400076, Maharashtra (IN).
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