Market potential in bridge infrastructure

Use of carbon-reinforced shotcrete to increase
the shear resistance of prestressed-concrete girders

The German highway network includes over 39,000 bridges with a total length of almost 2,100 km. Most of these bridges were built from prestressed concrete in the period from 1965 to 1985 (Fig. 1). Many of them are in poor condition due to weather impact and corrosion but also because of the exceedingly strong increase in heavy-truck traffic. This trend is likely to continue in the foreseeable future. Also, previous design models and construction rules have been evolving over time, which is particularly relevant to verifying shear resistance because the original shear reinforcement no longer...

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Thin-walled precast concrete girders for bridge construction and civil engineering

In building and industrial construction, lattice-girder floor slabs and double-wall elements have been successfully used for years. These semi-precast elements of 5-7cm thickness serve as permanent...

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Use of lattice girders in reinforced-concrete floor plates is a widely practiced method of construction for conventional high-rise building structures. An estimated 70?% of all floors in these...

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Bridge girders made of double walls erected by balanced lift method –

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Punching shear reinforcement with increased bond resistance

Flat slabs with lattice girders as semi-precast construction system feature horizontal composite joints between the semi-precast concrete slabs and the in-situ concrete topping. Both the punching...
