Device for producing concrete slabs

(10) US2023019683(A1)

(22) 15.12.2020

(43) 19.01.2023

(57) In a device for producing concrete slabs, a mold lower part is inserted into a frame secured via retaining braces to receiving areas of guiding columns oriented along an insertion direction and having, above the mold lower part, a structural loading device movable along the guiding columns and having, on the side facing the mold lower part, a mold upper part with one or more pressure plates inserted or insertable into one or more recesses of the mold lower part, the structural loading device being connected to the pressure plates via pressure rams. An upper guide element arranged between the structural loading device and the pressure rams interacts with a lower guide element arranged on the retaining brace such that, during the production of concrete slabs, the structural loading device is constantly guided relative to the mold lower part on a plane perpendicular to the insertion direction.

(71) Kobra Formen GmbH


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