68th BetonTage: Industry congress shows approaches for a sustainable transition

Under the motto „Shaping Transformation“, the 68th BetonTage will take place at the Congress Centrum in Ulm from May 14 to 16, 2024. The leading congress of the concrete and precast industry deals with the challenges and opportunities of an ecological and digital transformation of the construction sector. What contribution can the concrete industry make in this regard? Which impetus can the sector give and where is action still needed? The lectures from science and practice span a wide range of topics from lightweight construction, to efficient production methods including digitalization, through to construction in series and the circular economy. The plenary presentations of the first two congress days will be translated into English simultaneously. An exhibition of the supply industry as well as the machinery and software industries will accompany the congress as usual.

Inspiring keynotes

First keynote speaker at the congress opening will be the entrepreneur and author Jörg Heynkes from Wuppertal. In his lecture „Why we are only able to save the world digitally, or not at all“, he will describe to what extent the industrial transformation processes will involve far reaching changes in society too. He understands the digitalization as a chance, offering us all technological possibilities to organize the decisive breakthrough in respect of climate and environmental protection. However, for a successful implementation, he also considers every individual as being responsible for shaping its own future.

Lightweight construction plays a key role for the transformation of the industry towards climate neutrality. With the new lightweight construction strategy, the Federal Government intends to further advance the extension of this technology and to strengthen the innovative power and competitiveness of Germany sustainably. Werner Loscheider, head of division „construction industry, lightweight construction/new materials, resource efficiency“ at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK), Berlin, will present the lightweight construction technology transfer program of BMWK. The concrete industry can benefit as well from the many funding opportunities of the same.

Especially carbon-reinforced concrete has a large potential in respect of climate-friendly construction, because it allows material savings and less CO2 emissions. Therefore, the topic will be on the program of the next BetonTage congress once again. A complete panel covering all matters related to carbon-reinforced concrete will be offered jointly with Composite United, Augsburg. It will inform about the latest research findings and practical experiences in the precast concrete industry. After a break of two years, there will be again an own forum around lightweight concrete and its innovative approaches.

Construction in series – Challenges and opportunities

The demand for housing is constantly increasing in Germany, however, the supply of living space lacks far behind the demand. Series and modular construction can contribute to the fast creation of affordable housing with quality. The Federal Government has recognized the fact as well and is increasingly promoting this construction method. This above all provides opportunities for the precast concrete industry. Therefore, the plenary held on the second day of the congress will be dedicated to this topic.

Joining forces with market partners

The BetonTage congress has always regarded itself as a continuing training platform for the market partners of the industry as far as the construction with concrete components is concerned. Hence, the Construction Industry Future Day will take place again on May 16, 2024. Responsible parties involved in construction companies, architectural and engineering offices are the target group of the program. Prof. Dr. Peter Schwehr, Lucerne University, Head of Research in Architecture as well as Founder and Head of the Competence Center for Typology & Planning in Architecture (CCTP), opening the day, will make a plea for a new kind of construction and a climate-compatible settlement area. He will comment on the challenges in planning of sustainable architecture while handling uncertainties and the creation of spaces of action in times of severe transformation.

With the collaboration of DBZ Deutsche Bauzeitschrift and InformationsZentrum Beton, a special plenary will be offered for architects. The focus will be on project reports of the award winners of the 2023 Concrete Architecture Award. There will also be again a specific program for structural engineers.

Innovation potential of the supplier industry

The exhibition of the supplier, machinery and software industries is an important part of the BetonTage congress. Numerous companies will present themselves again on the 68th BetonTage congress and will inform on their products, services, and new developments. Some of them will be introduced more detailed in the „Innovation Forum“. Dyckerhoff GmbH and Pemat Mischtechnik GmbH support the congress as main sponsors.

Next year, the 2024 Innovation Award of the Concrete Components‘ Supplier Industry will be presented jointly with the media partner BFT International Concrete Plant + Precast Technology. Applications can still be submitted until February 10, 2024. The key criteria for the selection include the degree of innovation and the uniqueness of the submission, the relevance to the precast concrete industry as well as the market and application potential (detailed preliminary report see also BFT 10/2023, p. 4). The winners will be announced within the congress opening on May 14, 2024.

Baton successfully passed on

This year, Prof. Dominik Kueres, Munich University of Applied Sciences, jointed the BetonTage team, succeeding Prof. Hans-Joachim Walther as head of the technical program. He has been responsible for organizing the technical presentations for the first time. He has been supported by the relevant trade associations and federations of the industry providing their inputs for the precast-specific lectures and panels. The complete program will be available at www.betontage.de at the beginning of 2024.


FBF Betondienst GmbH

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73760 Ostfildern/Germany

+49 711 32732-322



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