Rethinking Sustainability


PLENUM 1: Eröffnung von Kongress und Ausstellung
(in German only)
Moderation: Dr. Ulrich Lotz, FBF Betondienst GmbH, Ostfildern
Wider die Bürokratie des Bauens (in German only)
Oberbürgermeister Boris Palmer, Universitätsstadt Tübingen
Moderated by Dr. Ulrich Lotz, FBF Betondienst GmbH, Ostfildern
Overview of the precast concrete market in Brazil and outstanding projects
Íria Lícia Oliva Doniak, Civil engineer and MBA in Economics, Abcic Brazilain Association of Industrialized Concrete Construction, São Paulo,
fib the International Federation for Structural Concrete, Lausanne
Sustainability and concrete technology in Brazil
Prof. Vanderley M. John, University of São Paulo
Moderated by Prof. Dr. Dominik Kueres, Hochschule
München University of Applied Sciences
Concrete construction 2030 – Where are we heading?
» The new “sustainability limit state” in concrete construction
» Concrete structures with reduced greenhouse gas emissions
» DAfStb Roadmap 2030
Panel discussion on Concrete construction 2030 – Where are we heading?
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Udo Wiens, Deutscher Ausschuss für Stahlbeton e.V., Berlin
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Haist, Leibniz Universität Hannover
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Glock, University of Kaiserslautern-Landau
PANEL 4: Prefabrication – The future of construction
Moderation: Dipl.-Ing. Christian Drössler, Fachvereinigung Deutscher Betonfertigteilbau e.V., Bonn
Building sustainably? Environmental information for construction products, construction works, and businesses
Bauassessorin Dipl.-Ing. Alice Becke, Fachvereinigung Deutscher Betonfertigteilbau e.V., Bonn
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. (FH) Diana Krüger, Bayerischer Industrieverband Baustoffe, Steine und Erden e.V., München
Reuse instead of recycling: Reuse of prestressed concrete hollowcore floor slabs
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Glock, Rebecca Müller, M. Sc., University of Kaiserslautern-Landau
Using recovered and recycled mineral aggregates in precast elements – FDB Code of Practice No. 15
Bauassessorin Dipl.-Ing. Alice Becke, Fachvereinigung Deutscher Betonfertigteilbau e.V., Bonn
New FDB Code of Practice No. 3 – Explanations based on innovative, resource-efficient façade designs: Load-bearing façade with internal insulation and curtain façade – project examples and structural detailing
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Wolfgang Ehrenberg, ZECH Bau Holding GmbH, Bremen
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Peter Maier, BWE-Bau Fertigteilwerk GmbH, Lemwerder
Modular and serial building in hybrid construction using precast components as a possible solution to provide affordable housing
Business Engineering Hermann Stegink, Solid.Modulbau GmbH, Ahaus
Moderated by Thomas Möller, Bauwirtschaft Baden-Württemberg e.V., Stuttgart
Update on solid UNIT
Thomas Möller, solid UNIT e.V., Stuttgart
“It can be done; all it takes is our willingness to do it”
Dipl.-Bauing. (FH) Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. (FH) Tobias Riffel, solid UNIT e.V., Stuttgart
Making building simple – Paradigm shift from energy efficiency to environmental footprint
Prof. Thomas Auer, Technical University of Munich, Transsolar
Rethinking the contract award system: Update on the status regarding exemptions for type E buildings and related amendments to the German Civil Code
Prof. Stefan Leupertz, 3D2L GmbH, Cologne
Benchmarks and target values for the carbon emissions in the life cycle of buildings
Dr.techn. Martin Röck, MSc BSc, KU Leuven, Belgium, RISE, Austria
PANEL 12: Practice-oriented research for concrete
Moderated by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Claßen, RWTH Aachen University
Rethinking precast: Building construction using ultra-thin CPC slabs
Thorsten Hahn, Holcim (Deutschland) GmbH, Hamburg
Multimodal digital manufacturing for material-efficient concrete components
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Claßen, Sven Engel, M.Sc., RWTH Aachen University
Repair and new construction using precast UHPC elements in the Deutsche Bahn railway network
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Steffen Marx, Technische Universität Dresden
Concrete with 100 % recycled mineral aggregates – Characteristics and precast production case study
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andrea Kustermann, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thorsten Stengel, Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences
Mineral foam for use as a structural core layer in concrete sandwich panels
Felix Ruppert, M.Sc., Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Pahn, University of Kaiserslautern-Landau
Processing of fresh concrete: Challenges and solutions
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Viktor Mechtcherine, Technische Universität Dresden

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