Betontage - Program

For this part of the congress program, simultaneous interpretation into English will be provided. Please visit www. to read the complete program.

The complete program is available at or +49 711 32732326.


9:00 Opening and welcome

10:00 Global economy without driving force? − Prospects for the German economy

Prof. Dr. Peter Bofinger, German Council of Economic Experts, Wiesbaden

Prospects for sustainable concrete construction

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Sobek, University of Stuttgart

Innovations secure our future − Award of the 2012 Innovation Prize for Structural Concrete Products of the Supplier Industry

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Wolf Reinhardt, University of Stuttgart

12:00 LUNCH


Application-oriented research for concrete

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Manfred Curbach, Dresden University...

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