Cemex Beton-Bauteile GmbH is fit for Europe
Managing director Michael Saphörster is proud of the Bad Dürkheim manufacturer of precast concrete components, producing in accordance with the new EU standard and their compliance with the high admission requirements of the French ”Avis Technique“ (ATec).
Cemex Beton-Bauteile GmbH offer their customers state-of-the-art quality. On schedule by the end of the transition period, the company proved that the prefabricated ceiling units, double wall units and all other products originating from the Bad Dürkheim plant comply with the current EU regulations. The introduction of the new harmonized European precast concrete standard requires CE marking, if a company plans to distribute their goods on the single market.
In order to achieve the CE marking status, the manufacturer updated their high quality standards and adjusted them to the new guidelines...