Fruits of Labor

Oranges for the Juice Bar

 For the German Garden Festival in North Rhine-Westphalia, Biber Beton GmbH has produced giant concrete oranges with the special binder Lafarge Optacolor®. The fruits captivate with their detailed design and their perfect surface.

The Berlin landscape architects Geskes & Hack have been working together with Biber Beton already for different other Garden Festivals. For them, technical expertise and diligent manufacture were indispensable with regard to all concrete parts. Biber Beton, precast producer and customer of Lafarge Zement in Germany, fabricated different concrete elements for the Garden Festival: parapet weathering, angle elements, sun loungers – and concrete oranges. For all precast parts, Biber Beton used the special binder Lafarge Optacolor®. The blast furnace cement makes the concrete smooth and ductile and...

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