Stair landing and exterior corridor decoupling

Shear force dowel Egcotritt for highest demands on impact sound insulation

 Longing for silence within buildings and the requirements of constructors in respect of the sound insulation were continuously growing in the last few years. As to be able to enjoy moments of tranquility in the own four walls, it is necessary to stipulate the requirements in respect of sound insulation in the technical specification of the bluilding during the planning stage.

The reduction of the impact sound is a great challenge when planning and constructing a residential project. The shear force dowel Egcotritt of Frank provides a solution for the acoustic decoupling of structural components made of concrete, reinforced concrete or masonry.

The Egcotritt system consists of a shear force dowel and an acoustic box for an acoustic decoupling of structural components such as stair landings, exterior corridors and cantilever balconies. An acoustic decoupling of the bedding consequently impedes the transmission of sound waves to the supporting components. Joint widths...

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