Special Launch event & Dealer Meeting in July

Shuttlelift officially unveils new SB series

 On July 14, Shuttlelift welcomed its North American dealers and members of the press to the official unveiling of its new SB Series. This new line of single-beam, rubber-tired gantry cranes is designed to provide state-of-the-art lifting solutions and a broad range of cost-saving benefits, and this one-day launch event gave dealers and industry magazine representatives a chance to learn about the engineering behind the new machines, as well as an opportunity to watch a 70-ton SB crane in action.

Upon arrival in the morning, attendees had an opportunity to demo the new SB crane, observing its sharp steering capabilities and the operation of its hoisting mechanism. They watched as the crane traveled over a 10 x 10 timber; the trunnion flexed effortlessly, ensuring that the machine didn’t suffer any stress from the uneven terrain.

They also witnessed the sheer power of the crane, which can teeter on the block and still hold its load securely in place. This kind of power allows the driver to put the tire up on the block and hold it — or even hold it halfway on the block — without risk to...

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