German technology for a British railway

Railway platforms with high electrical resistance for Britain

The construction company Hering Bau in Burbach/Germany was commissioned by Dockland Light Railway (DLR), with subcontracting through the British company Taylor Woodrow, to manufacture precast components for seven railway stations with a total of 540 m of platforms, 3 m wide. The platforms, according to the tender text of DLR, were specified for a useful life of 120 years. The requirements made on the concrete composition and the construction were accordingly stringent.

Hering Bau was in charge of planning, designing, manufacturing, delivering and erection the precast platforms. The specifications of the DLR for the concrete composition are summarized in Table 1.

For the resistance to freeze-thaw with de-icing salt, the CDF test method with an upper limit value of 1,500 g/m² (average value) and 1,800 g/m² (individual value) was agreed upon. 


Further requirements:

» Minimum concrete cover 45 mm

» Tolerances for the course of the platform edge to

the track vertical ± 5 mm

horizontal + 0 mm, - 5 mm

» SRT values (Skid Resistance Tester – grip measuring device)


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