Styrofoam Channels are suitable for Repeated Use
Since the introduction of the Capitan system at bauma, a lot of interested domestic and foreign sector-specific companies have been visiting BFS Betonfertigteilesysteme GmbH in Blaubeuren, Germany as to be present at a demonstration of the innovative plant system. Thus, the first plant was already sold after a short time and other negotiations are close to be concluded.
By developing the Capitan system BFS Betonfertigteilesysteme GmbH has succeeded in designing a customer-friendly plant solution. Owing to the modular design of the system the user has the chance to adapt it to respective market conditions.
Furthermore, the well-conceived and consistent manufacturing process provides for high process reliability.
Installation and/or Removal of the Channel and the Recess Core in a Single Piece
Using a newly developed release agent for the Capitan system, which has already been presented in BFT INTERNATIONAL 05/2010, now enables to make use of the Styrofoam...