Carbon and textile-reinforced concrete days: Sharing expertise and results with industry peers

On 25 and 26 September 2018, Tudalit e. V. and C³ – Carbon Concrete Composite e.V. will be hosting the 10th Carbon and Textile-Reinforced Concrete Days in Dresden.

Carbon and textile-reinforced concrete are becoming increasingly important in construction practice, and have long been an integral part of projects in basic and applied research. Spread out over two conference days, this key industry event will include over 50 presentations from industry and research on carbon and textile-reinforced concrete. The conference will feature not only comprehensive reports on new construction, renovation and upgrade, and building system components, but also latest research findings in relation to health and safety, recycling, design and engineering, and standardization. The conference agenda is complemented by an exhibition.

The first item on the event’s agenda will be the presentation of the Tudalit Architecture Award. In keeping with the 2018 FIFA World Cup theme, the keynote speech will be delivered by Urs Meier, previously one of the best football referees worldwide.

Please visit //www.carbon-textilbetontage.de" target="_blank" >www.carbon-textilbetontage.de:www.carbon-textilbetontage.de to access more detailed information.


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