Congress 2017 – An exchange on smart and modern solutions

From May 17-19, 2017, the international precast concrete industry will meet in Madrid, Spain, during the 22nd BIBM Congress. BIBM Congresses are a unique opportunity to meet and discuss with industry professionals, politicians, academics and suppliers from all over the world. Organized every three years, current challenges, new concepts and future visions will be presented. The accompanying trade exhibition will provide solutions to plan, design, produce and install modern precast structures. Additionally, a well selected social program will round up the event, offering interesting...

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More than 650 participants joined the 22nd BIBM Congress

The 22nd BIBM Congress 2017 took place on 17-19 May in Madrid, Spain, with more than 650 registered participants, including exhibitors. The Congress offered more than 30 presentations with three...

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23rd BIBM Congress in Copenhagen: 15 to 17 November 2020

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The BIBM Congress 2023, scheduled in Amsterdam from 27 to 29 September, is approaching with great strides. For manufacturers of concrete elements, suppliers, innovation providers as well as for...

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BIBM Congress 2023 in Amsterdam – Providing Solutions for the Future

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