Legal framework for corporate data security

Cyber Crime

Digitization is the big challenge to the economy in the 21st century – not just for technology groups but for every company; for every company uses digital technology. Recognizing this is the first major hurdle. Those unaware of the fact that something needs to be done to protect their own company from the challenges posed by digitization will also not take the necessary precautions.

These precautions need to be taken in two areas: with regard to technology and with regard to personnel. The technical side seems to be comparatively easy. Those keeping abreast of the state of the art will usually have fewer problems with cyber crime unless they are the specific target of an attack. What is more difficult is to train the own employees. For this needs to be done not just once but on a regular basis, and processes in the company need to be defined so that they are not only safe but also complied with. In real life, it can often be observed that the majority of mistakes are made by people, either out of ignorance or out of carelessness. This is where companies need to apply the lever in order to be able to benefit from the merits of digitization and master its risks.


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