FCN is producing carbon-neutral
F.C. Nüdling is consequently committed to a carbon-neutral production. The company headquartered in Fulda, Germany, now had its carbon footprint certified by the Fokus Zukunft sustainability consulting firm and is operating in accordance with the German Sustainability Code.
Especially noteworthy, in this connection, is the disclosure of the depth of the value chain. It represents the entire range: from the raw material production to the actual manufacturer of the product as well as sales and distribution through to its recycling after the useful life including purchased services. The resource efficiency is an important aspect too. The emphasis here is on creating the utilization of non-renewable natural resources as responsible as possible. The observance of human rights plays an important role as well.
In addition, FCN sends a clear signal by its membership in the German Sustainable Building Council. The aim is the best possible and carbon-neutral use of natural resources in order to assure the basis of life for the next generations. This includes a reduction of the energy demand in all business sectors. Since the beginning of the year, FCN has been using green electricity that is moreover generated in the company‘s own photovoltaic systems in the production exclusively. The internally run energy saving competition achieves success as well: The implementation of the employees‘ ideas helped save nearly 120,000 kWh, corresponding to 37,000 kg less CO2.
As a climate-neutral company (certified by Fokus Zukunft), FCN provides for a compensation in fields where greenhouse gas emissions cannot be avoided completely – for example, with the acquisition of climate protection certificates supporting the reforestation and forest protection projects in Uruguay and Peru. The carbon footprint of FCN amounting to about 2,268 tons of CO2 per year is neutralized by the above-mentioned climate protection projects.