Keep an eye on the pipes!
In recent decades, around 215,000 km of public sewer and drinking water networks have been laid in the underground of Bavaria’s towns, cities and municipalities. The public pipeline network generally represents the largest fixed asset item on a municipality’s balance sheet. The value and condition of the pipeline systems are, however, barely present in the public’s perception. Nevertheless, pipes have an “expiration date” and must be inspected at regular intervals; as a rule, they must be replaced after 50 - 80 years at the latest depending on the material used and operating conditions. The failure to do so poses the risk of more frequent incidents of damage and increasing costs as a result. According to investigations carried out by the Bavarian Environmental Authority (Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt), between 10% and 15% of the municipal drinking water and sewer networks will have to be rehabilitated in the coming years. There is also a need for rehabilitation in the area of the private sewer pipelines – for new public sewers are of little use if the private property drainage systems connected to them are leaking. In addition to the local authorities and network operators, the general public must also be made aware of the need for pipeline maintenance. This is why the Free State of Bavaria, in cooperation with the Bavarian Association of Municipalities (Bayerischer Gemeindetag), the Bavarian Association of Cities and Towns (Bayerischer Städtetag) and the professional associations for water management (VBEW, DVGW, VKU, DWA), has launched the “Keep an eye on the pipes” awareness campaign to ensure the maintenance of drinking water and sewage networks. As part of the “Keep an eye on the pipes” awareness campaign, the Bavarian public will be informed about the important tasks related to maintaining the Bavarian pipeline network. In addition, selected municipalities and network operators will demonstrate how to efficiently promote the maintenance of sewers and drinking water pipelines.