Ladies and Gentlemen,

Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to participate in the opening of the 2020 BetonTage congress. From my point of view, this event is well-known and internationally respected for its quality and size. It is indeed an outstanding event that leaves a strong impression on the field of structural concrete worldwide. The fib also benefits from this excellent congress.

On behalf of the fib, the International Federation for Structural Concrete, I wish all of you a very good conference, and that you gain knowledge that allows you to improve your professional performance, for your own benefit and the benefit of your clients and society.

Yes, we need to include society. Our civilization is concerned with aesthetics and environmental impacts: a construction project is no longer a matter that only involves the designer, builder and owner.

In this context, dissemination of knowledge is crucial, including at congresses like the BetonTage. This also includes the close relationship between German experts and the fib, not least in their connection with the work on Model Code 2020.

Together with ACHE, the fib arranged a symposium on conceptual design last year in Madrid with aesthetics in mind. This symposium was initiated by fib honorary president, Hugo Corres, whose infectious enthusiasm for the subject inspired us all.

The production of cement leaves a major impact on the environment. The fib member nations contribute 86% of the world production of cement. As a matter of course, it is all about the quality of our work and how we disseminate our competence. And for sustainable solutions, the participation of young people is crucial.

So again, best of luck. And should you be tempted to gain even more knowledge in a nice social setting, I would be delighted to see you during the fib Symposium in Shanghai, China, in April, the fib PhD Symposiumin August in Paris, France, and the fib ICCS in Prague, Czech Republic, in September.



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