Position 01/2016

At this place BFT International – regularly, and in collaboration with the German associations listed below – is publishing the position taken by these organizations on a current issue concerning the German and European precast concrete industry. These viewpoints are likewise being published simultaneously in the associations’ organ punktum.betonbauteile.

What do sustainability certificates really signify?

Certification systems developed in Germany cover all aspects of sustainability in the construction industry and intend, by applying the various weighting steps for the relevant individual...

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Sustainability certificate for precast products, too?

For some time now, German cement and concrete plants can obtain the sustainability certificate granted by the Concrete Sustainability Council (CSC) (see BFT International 05/2018, page 1). To meet...

Issue 01/2019 BTB/CSC

CSC sustainability certificate – version 2.0 starts

For more than a year now, concrete manufacturers as well as cement and aggregates producers, who are committed to sustainable management, can apply for certification. This is based on the...

Issue 01/2016 punktum.betonbauteile

Position 02/2016

At this point BFT International, from now on, regularly and in collaboration with the German associations listed under “Contact” below, is publishing the “Position” taken by the organizations on...

Issue 06/2023

Sustainable Precast – New sustainability certification for precast elements

The built environment is the basis for any societal development; it is subject to a constant drive for change and renewal. Due to their long life cycles, buildings and structures have a lasting impact...

Issue 02/2018 Kiwa

New CSC standard for a transparent and sustainable ­concrete industry

The topic of sustainability is gaining increasing significance in all areas of life. This fact has prompted the concrete industry in recent years to further develop the standards for sustainable...
