Presentation of the advanced training program: “specialized engineer / specialized planner / specialized construction supervisor in block pavement construction”
In Germany, far more than half of the urban traffic areas, both in the municipal sector and private sector, are surfaced with block pavements and slab pavements. Despite the fact that comprehensive technical rules and regulations exist in Germany, damage cases occur again and again.
As of January 22, 2022, EIPOS, in cooperation with the Chair of Pavement Engineering at TU Dresden, will offer the extra-occupational advanced training in block pavement construction for the sixth time as an advanced training course that is unique across Germany.
Specialist expertise with qualification
The objective is to provide planners, construction engineers, employees of engineering offices and planning offices as well as construction companies with profound knowledge in the field of block pavement construction, slab pavements and permeable block pavements. The participants will learn how to draw up qualified designs and prepare correct tender documents, how to execute block pavements and slab pavements correctly, and how to supervise and approve the construction work properly. The practice-oriented curriculum and the study courses held at the TU Dresden’s road construction laboratory ensure the transferability of the technical contents to the day-to-day jobs. The professional advanced training program is supported and funded by the following sponsoring associations: Hauptverband der Deutschen Bauindustrie e.V. (Federation of the German Construction Industry), Zentralverband des Deutschen Baugewerbes e.V. (Central Association of the German Construction Trade), Betonverband Straße, Landschaft, Garten e.V. (German Concrete Association Road, Landscape and Garden), Bundesverband der Deutschen Ziegelindustrie (Federal Association of the German Brick Industry), Deutscher Naturwerksteinverband e.V. (German Natural Stone Association), Landesinnungsverband des Sächsischen Straßenbaugewerbes (State Guild Association of the Saxon Road Construction Trade), IG Deutscher Pflasterer und Steinsetzer e.V. (Community of German Paving Block and Slab Layers).