Slipform concrete structure and method for slipforming
(10) WO 2020/001798 Al
(22) 11.10.2018
(43) 02.01.2020
(57) The invention relates to a slipform concrete structure (12), and a method of operating a slipform apparatus (10) for constructing a slipform concrete structure (12). The slipform apparatus (12) comprising a platform (10) and a lift device. The method includes performing a concrete slipform operation comprising pouring concrete and raising the platform using the lift device to construct the slipform concrete structure, and performing an excavation operation comprising removing material from underneath or one side of the slipform concrete structure (12) so that the structure lowers under the action of gravity.
[GB/GB]; One Humber Quays, Wellington Street West, Hull HU1 2BN (GB)
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