Day 2: Wednesday, 25th February 2015

Structural precast construction 2 –
Innovative technical solutions

100 Concrete basements – Thermally activated and managed – Improving energy efficiency and living comfort in future
Betonkeller – Thermisch aktiviert und bewirtschaftet – Steigerung der Energieeffizienz und Wohnbehaglichkeit in der Zukunft
DI Markus Winkler
103 Slender façade elements made from textile-reinforced high-performance concrete – Innovative composite material textile-reinforced concrete
Schlanke Fassadenelemente aus textilbewehrtem Hochleistungsbeton – Innovativer Verbundwerkstoff Textilbeton
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Josef Hegger, Dr.-Ing. Norbert Will, Dipl.-Ing. Sergej Rempel
106 Fire...

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