The BFT app: multimedia-based, profound, worldwide
We have already announced it (see BFT International 01/2017, page 1). Here it comes: the BFT app. You find the app in the Apple App Store, at Google Play or at Amazon. There, you can download the app to your desktop PC, your tablet or your smartphone. After downloading, you will be able to use a new issue of the BFT app every month.
“Use”, not only “read” because the BFT app offers more than just texts. Though the app is based on the printed version of the BFT magazine; in addition, the app enhances the content of the printed magazine by more in-depth, additional multimedia information, such as videos, audio files, PDF documents or links to websites and databases.
Mobile use of the Internet increases
Why did we decide to offer the BFT app? The first reason is the fact that the media usage behavior has changed all over the world. According to the Statista web portal, the number of those who acquire a mobile phone and are using it to surf the Internet is constantly growing – Statista states the worldwide number of users at roughly 1.6 billion for 2012; in 2016, it was already amounting to roughly 2.6 billion. Certainly, the proportion of mobile internet users accounting for the private sector is not quite small at present. But, according to another recent survey of Roland Berger business consultancy, the trend does also apply to the construction industry.
The majority of people interviewed by Roland Berger assumes that digitalization will gain more and more importance. Planning and design will make more and more use of 5D modeling. The subject in production will be to further automate the processes and to link machinery and equipment more intelligently; in sales and marketing it is even more about collecting and analyzing data and making them available for sales and after sales service; procurement is focusing on price comparison and cost reductions by using online purchase portals. In logistics it is mainly about cutting storage capacities by just in time delivery and about better utilization of machine and vehicle capacities. But digital media will also be of greater significance in future when it comes to information on market developments in the precast concrete industry and the supply sector as well as the state-of-the-art of science and research.
Profound information in text, photo, video
The second reason is: With the new service of the BFT app we still pursue our basic orientation of being a leading partner of the precast concrete industry regarding specialist information. Following the BFT International trade magazine, the associated website //" target="_blank" > and the monthly newsletter as well as our BFT channels on Twitter (short news) and YouTube (videos), the app consequently is just the next step: The app is the platform combining all other media channels mentioned above. Thus the BFT app offers totally new possibilities to look into a subject more comprehensively and present it with text, photos and videos, for example.
There are additional practical advantages: With the aid of the archiving function, it is easy to digitally archive all issues of the BFT app, so you will find them any time. And finally the BFT app can be used on any device, using any common operating system, all over the world simultaneously as of one and the same date of release.
App download free of charge
You download the BFT app free of charge form the Apple App Store, from Google Play or Amazon. This enables you to use the issues 01/2017 and 02/2017 of the BFT app free of charge, too. As a subscriber of the print issue of BFT International, you can use all issues of the BFT app of a year by paying a surcharge of 10 euros only. But you can also subscribe the BFT app for just one year.
The BFT team is looking forward to your feedback on the app – because as all digital services the BFT app provides the opportunity to adapt and optimize the content gradually to your requirements.
Text: Christian Jahn, M.A.