New tool for the lightweight concrete industry

The new earthquake manual

According to present-day requirements, modern masonry buildings made of lightweight concrete blocks must be perfectly designed as far as architecture, statics, energy efficiency as well as sound and fire protection are concerned. For this purpose, the design professionals must have profound specialist knowledge of various areas to enable them to plan and design, in particular, the interfaces and details of the building structure correctly. For German seismic areas, it must be considered additionally that the structural safety under seismic load must be verified in accordance with DIN EN 1998-1...

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Structural precast construction in seismic areas

Design and construction in German earthquake areas had previously been governed by DIN 4149 [1]. This standard will be superseded by DIN EN 1998-1 (Eurocode 8) [2, 3] and the corresponding...

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Earthquake mortar for lightweight-concrete masonry structures

Walls are intrinsic parts of building structures. For buildings in regions threatened by earthquakes, installation of shear walls is mandatory – in Germany, even a legal requirement. However, under...
