New foundation
On 1 January 2017, the company Avermann in Osnabrück, Germany, reorganized the previous corporate divisions Betonfertigteiltechnik (precast concrete engineering) and Umwelttechnik (environmental engineering) as independent companies. The corporate division Betonfertigteiltechnik now does business under the name Avermann Betonfertigteiltechnik GmbH & Co. KG; the corporate division Umwelttechnik continues to operate as Avermann Maschinenfabrik GmbH & Co. KG.
The entrepreneurial reason for making a clearer distinction between the two divisions, now to the outside as well, is the restructuring of the Avermann Group. As a result, the organizational already separate divisions Betonfertigteiltechnik and Umwelttechnik will in future be independent and able to compete still more effectively on the market.
Dr. Maike Keller, née Avermann, has been running the business of the Avermann Group intradivisionally since 2013. Lutz Pfleger will head the new company jointly with her. Pfleger has been with Avermann for 25 years, most recently as Department Head of the Profit Center Betonfertigteiltechnik, where he was in charge of sales.