Leads win with social media marketing & social selling
Social media platforms and networks such as LinkedIn are today counted among the indispensable sales channels in the marketing mix. Via these channels the coverage is greater and offers the opportunity to not only present one’s company and to promote one’s own products and services effectively, but also to convert one’s real network into the digital format and to generate new contacts. In this way, leads for future follow-up can be won over via social media marketing and social selling.
In the presentation, Denny Bakirtzis, M.A. (Digitale Services #TalkConcrete / Betonverbände Baden-Württemberg), following a brief definition of social media marketing and social selling, will discuss the advantages and approaches in the LinkedIn network.
The perspective is supplemented from direct marketing by some legal recommendations by Jörg Jehle, in-house legal advisor (Betonverbände Baden-Württemberg).
The presentation is primarily aimed at new entrants; more advanced users are also warmly welcome for an exchange of experience.