New edition of the FDB leaflet No. 3 – Explanations based on innovative, resource-efficient façade designs

Due to the rapid evolution of concrete construction in recent years regarding different façade designs as well as sustainability and resource efficiency in concrete structures, the FDB Code of Practice No. 3 for the design of precast reinforced concrete façades had to be revised.

Code of Practice No. 3 intends to provide decision-making and design guidance for precast reinforced concrete façades.

It systematically deals with the most common types of reinforced concrete façades, such as sandwich, curtain, and stacked façades. Load-bearing façades with internal insulation, which have increasingly been used in the past few years, were added as a new category.

In addition to a general section, the Code of Practice discusses the different façade types in terms of load transfer, detailing, and design. For this purpose, it provides design and construction notes supported by drawings.

Chapter 1.5 includes a tabular overview to aid decision making.

Chapter 6 deals with sustainability and resource efficiency.

Aspects of building physics are covered in Chapter 7.

This lecture will outline the amendments. Reference will be made to project examples to illustrate individual façade types.


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