Precast concrete component demolding and forming method

(10) CN115229962

(22) 05.08.2022

(43) 25.10.2022

(57) The invention relates to the technical field of prefabricated part forming and demolding, in particular to a concrete prefabricated part demolding and forming method which comprises a shell, an outer mold, an outer demolding device, an inner mold, an inner demolding device and an outer demolding device. The inner mold is installed in an upper box body of the shell, and the outer mold is arranged outside the circumference of the inner mold; an inner demolding device is installed under the inner mold, outer demolding devices are installed over the outer demolding devices, and the outer demolding devices are installed on the left side face and the right side face of the inner wall of the upper shell box body. The problems that in the demolding process of a prefabricated part, the knocking force is difficult to control and the position of a knocking point is difficult to keep uniform when the mold is manually knocked, the prefabricated part is prone to cracking, and the inner wall of the prefabricated part is prone to being damaged due to difficult thorough demolding between an inner mold and the prefabricated part can be solved.

(71) Chengdu Xinxiangen Building Material Co., Ltd., CN


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