Sustainability and recycling at the focus of the event

Sustainability and recycling are this year again at the focus of “IAB TAGE BETON” (IAB CONCRETE DAYS) on 15 + 16 November 2023 in Weimar. At the two-day specialist event of the Weimar Institute of Applied Construction Research, experts from science and industry (IAB) will present best-practice examples and discuss practical solution approaches for the construction industry. Five lecture blocks and 20 specialist lectures promise thematic diversity and professional depth. At the trade exhibition that accompanies the conference, companies from the building-materials, construction-machinery and concrete-construction industries will present their products and services. This year, the event will take place on an international level – simultaneous interpretation (German-English) will be provided on site at the Leonardo Hotel Weimar.


Change of paradigm in construction

Conservation of resources, reduction of emissions and a worsening shortage of building and raw materials now confront the construction industry with ever more demanding challenges. Closing material cycles and attaining more sustainable handling of existing construction materials are becoming increasingly important. But what does implementation in practice actually look like? Which ideas and impulses are aiding companies in successfully initiating the change of paradigm in construction? The 29th edition of the “IAB TAGE BETON” addresses these questions and the future of building.

The Weimar Institute has represented sustainable and practice-oriented construction research for more than 30 years now, and shares the knowledge and know-how gained in research projects at its own specialist events. “This year, owing to the great response, we are once again focusing on sustainability and recycling,” explains Mirko Landmann, Head of the Concrete and Mortar Department. Additional conference topics are new concrete products and production technologies, technical processes and equipment, as well as artificial intelligence and automation in construction.


Fiber concrete, Sustainability and Recycling (Wednesday, 15 Nov 2023)

The lecture blocks on the first conference day will address new developments in fiber concrete, applied recycling methods and the potential of residual and waste materials. Institute Director Dr. Ulrich Palzer and Thuringian’s Minister of Economy Wolfgang Tiefensee will welcome the participants. At the following motivation speech, Prof. Sabine Flamme of the Münster University of Applied Sciences presents new findings on mineral construction and demolition waste. The evening will offer the traditional exchange of experience in a relaxed atmosphere at the IAB head office.


Precast elements, Digitation and Mechanical Engineering (Thursday, 16 Nov 2023)

Another cross-industry problem adds to the increasing shortage of resources in construction: the shortage of skilled labor. On the second day of the conference, the lecture blocks Precast Elements, Digitation and Mechanical Engineering show how to counter the tense situation on the labor market with technical progress, prefabricated construction elements and artificial intelligence. The second day will begin with a motivation speech presented by Tegel Projekt GmbH from Berlin. The company presents the Project Berlin TXL and hopes, at this specialist event, to determine innovative products and processes as well as potential partners for implementing the project. On the site of former Tegel Airport, measuring 500 hectares, a modern research and industrial park with adjacent residential quarters will be erected. “Sustainable construction research is important for our future,” says IAB Institute Director Dr. Ulrich Palzer. “With our conference, we will try to give participating companies practice-oriented solution approaches to enable them to meet the new challenges of the industry.”

BFT International will be represented again this year as an exhibitor at the “IAB TAGE BETON” on 15 and 16 November 2023 in Weimar.


IAB – Institut für angewandte Bauforschung Weimar gGmbH

Über der Nonnenwiese 1

99428 Weimar/Germany

+49 3643 8684-0



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