Waterproofing products of the Agrar product series as key to success

The agricultural and biogas sectors have taken on more and more responsibility for environmental protection in the last few years. In this regard, the treatment of liquid manure, slurry and silage effluents is particularly challenging. These generally water-hazardous substances can pollute waterbodies as well as the ground water and can be harmful to flora and fauna. For this reason, permanently durable sealing systems with national technical approval have become absolutely essential in the field of agricultural construction.


Efficient and sustainable construction in agriculture

In order to meet the requests of the customers, BT innovation has continuously been developing its waterproofing systems. Henceforth, the company is offering three quite different BT waterproofing products each granted the approval of the German Institute for Construction Technology (DIBt) and construction type approvals for very different designs.

The latest innovation – the Agrar RubberElast joint tape – is especially designed for sealing of precast concrete elements. It allows sealing in a very fast, effective and durable manner during the assembly of the components. Immediately after assembly, the structure is leak-proof and can be filled with slurry or silage, for example.

It was even possible to improve the real classic, the AgrarElast joint sealant. The approval was enhanced to steel as another surface due to the further development of the recipe. Now, joints sealed by means of AgrarElast are passable between concrete, asphalt, and steel. Thus, the system offers even more possibilities of sealing in agricultural practice.

In the field of sealants for construction joints, Agrar SynkoElast remains the only joint tape with DIBt approval for being laid on hardened concrete with subsequent concreting, according to the manufacturer. Contrary to metal waterstops and swelling waterstops without approval, no minimum spaces to the exterior wall and to the reinforcement have to be considered for the internal joint tape.

These high-quality waterproofing products allow agricultural holdings not only to protect the environment, but also to secure their investments in the long term. The supplier is proud to contribute to sustainable agriculture and is looking forward to developing additional innovative solutions meeting the requirements of its customers.


Agricultural construction in transition – mastering challenges by innovation, sustainability and efficiency

The erection and maintenance of plants for storage, filling and treatment of liquid manure, slurry and silage effluents (German abbreviation: JGS) is only permitted using products with approval, because of the building authorities’ regulations. It is however important to consider the chemical effect of JGS on building components and joints to make sure that the facilities will remain stable in the long term. In addition, comprehensive regulations and controls ensuring the protection of the environment must be observed, possibly resulting in significant additional effort. Moreover, there is the obligation to employ a specialist company and the duty of documentation in order to ensure the compliance with the statutory regulations. All these obstacles can make planning and implementation of agricultural construction projects more complicate and cost-intensive.


Revolutionary solutions: How BT Agrar products help shape the future of agriculture

Now, BT innovation has three products approved by DIBt for permanent sealing of liquid manure, slurry, and silage effluents facilities as well as biogas plants. Agrar SynkoElast is a joint tape that was especially designed for the sealing of construction joints. Agrar RubberElast, on the contrary, is a joint tape that can be used for sealing of precast concrete elements. All mentioned products exhibit a high resistance to manure, slurry and silage effluents as well as acids, alkaline solutions and salts. The passable AgrarElast joint sealant seals expansion joints between concrete, asphalt, and steel permanently.


Maximum efficiency and sustainability

The Agrar waterproofing systems of BT at a glance (for detailed information see text box):

AgrarElast (one-component joint sealant);

Agrar SynkoElast (joint tape) and

Agrar RubberElast (self-adhesive squeeze joint tape).


For the field of agricultural construction, BT innovation has additional special products for permanent waterproofing of building components made of precast concrete elements and in-situ concrete. Construction products with DIBt approval are only required for the part of works related to JGS facilities as well as biogas plants. The BT product range for agricultural construction is therefore much more extensive:

AgrarElast: Passable joint sealant for concrete, asphalt and steel used in JGS facilities and biogas plants (DIBt approval No. Z 74.62-176).

InnoElast Type 2: Joint sealant tested by building authorities for waterproofing of structural joints, allowing the subsequent waterproofing of pressurized water up to 4.8 m.

ProElast System: Sealing system tested by building authorities for waterproof concrete, it consists of foil and InnoElast foil adhesive and is ideal for subsequent waterproofing against in-situ water up to 20 m.

Agrar RubberElast: Joint tape for fast and reliable sealing of even complex joints between precast concrete elements in JGS facilities and biogas plants up to a container filling height of 4 m (with DIBt approval Z-74.51-208), preferably using the BT-Spannschloss turnbuckle.

RubberElast: Joint tape tested by building authorities for fast and reliable waterproofing of precast concrete joints up to a water depth of 5 m.

MultiElast: Joint tape tested by building authorities for precast concrete elements and in-situ concrete, it is suitable for waterproofing precast elements up to a water depth of 10 m.

Agrar SynkoElast: Joint tape for sealing of construction joints, that can be laid on hardened concrete. The construction joint tape allows sealing of JGS and biogas plants up to a container filling height of 4 m (DIBt Z-74.51-184).

SynkoElast: Construction joint tape tested by building authorities for installation in in-situ concrete and on hardened concrete, it is suitable for waterproofing of construction joints against pressurized water of up to 20 m. Along with the SynkoElast joint tape, SynkoElast crack control profiles and SynkoElast stopend elements are available, too.



B.T. innovation GmbH

Sudenburger Wuhne 60

39116 Magdeburg/Germany

+49 391 7352-0

Maximale Effizienz und Nachhaltigkeit: Die Agrar-Abdichtungssysteme von BT im Überblick
AgrarElast ist ein einkomponentiger Fugendichtstoff, der zur Abdichtung von Fugen zwischen Beton, Asphalt und Stahl eingesetzt werden kann. Dabei ist er befahrbar und begehbar. Der Dichtstoff weist eine sehr hohe zulässige Verformung von 12,5 % auf und ist witterungs- und UV-beständig. Zudem ist er sehr temperaturbeständig. AgrarElast lässt sich einfach und sicher verarbeiten und ist lösungsmittelfrei sowie isocyanatfrei. Das Produkt verfügt über eine Zulassung (abZ: Z 74.62-176) vom Deutschen Institut für Bautechnik (DIBt).
Agrar-SynkoElast ist ein Fugenband, das speziell zur Abdichtung von Arbeitsfugen verwendet wird. Es wird auf abgebundenem Beton verlegt (mit Primer) und ist ein innenliegendes Fugenband, wodurch keine Mindestabstände zu Außenwänden und Bewehrung erforderlich sind. Das Produkt kann bei Temperaturen zwischen 0° C und 35° C verarbeitet werden, was einen schnellen und einfachen Einbau ermöglicht. Agrar-SynkoElast ist bis zu einer Füllhöhe von 4 m mediendicht geprüft und quillt nicht bei Wasserkontakt. Es verfügt über eine DIBt-Zulassung (AbZ Nr. Z-74.51-184).
Agrar-RubberElast ist ein selbstklebendes Quetsch-Fugenband, das zur sicheren und druckdichten Abdichtung von Bauteilfugen zwischen Fertigteilen eingesetzt wird. Es ist einfach zu verarbeiten und erfordert keine Hilfsmittel. Nach der Montage ist die Fuge sofort wasserdicht. Agrar-RubberElast ist flexibel, auch bei tiefen Temperaturen, und witterungsbeständig. Das Produkt ist bis zu einer Füllhöhe von 4 m mediendicht geprüft und verfügt über eine DIBt-Zulassung (AbZ Nr. Z-74.51-208). Zur Bauteilmontage wird die Verwendung des BT-Spannschloss empfohlen, um eine allgemeine Bauartgenehmigung umfassend nutzen zu können. Ein Dichtstoffanschluss mit AgrarElast ist zugelassen und das BT-Fachpersonal steht für Beratung und Einweisung im Bereich der Abdichtung zur Verfügung.

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