Cortec Corporation USA Acquires 100% Ownership of CSEA in Singapore

Figure: Cortec Corporation USA

Figure: Cortec Corporation USA
Cortec Corporation, the global leader in VpCI/MCI corrosion control technologies, is pleased to announce its acquisition of Cortec Southeast Asia (CSEA) offices in Singapore. CSEA is now a wholly owned subsidiary of Cortec Corporation. This development promises to improve service and support to customers in Southeast Asia due to a direct connection with Cortec headquarters in Saint Paul, Minnesota.

Since January 2019, CSEA has been a valued partner and distribution hub for Cortec products and services in Southeast Asia, serving the markets of Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Brunei, and Indonesia. Cortec’s CSEA acquisition will take that tradition to a new level of real-time product and service responsiveness when the transition is complete. At the same time, the familiar CSEA support team will remain:

•    Azmi Ishak (Assistant Finance Manager)

•    Priscilla Nathan (Supply Chain Manager)

•    Saras Subramaniam (Customer Support Officer)

•    Vincent Ong (Senior Technical Manager)

•    Shades Kumar (Senior Sales Manager)

•    Yudhy Sidharta (Business Development Manager)

Regarding the event, Cortec CEO, Boris Miksic, stated, “Acquisition of Cortec SEA in Singapore is an important step forward for our Group by expanding logistics and technical support to the distribution network in Asia and Australia.” Miksic founded Cortec 45 years ago and has watched it grow from a rust preventative startup at his home in Minnesota into a multinational entity with offices based in the U.S., Canada, Europe, and now Singapore.


Cortec Corporation

4119 White Bear Parkway

St. Paul, MN 55110 U.S.A.

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