
Your search for "" found 8021 Hits


ModularesBauen congress 2022: Expanding knowledge and networking

The 2nd ModularesBauen congress was held in Aachen in September 2022. The event was co-hosted by Aachen Building Experts e. V. Its members include various institutes of RWTH Aachen University as well...

Issue 01/2023 PEIKKO

“Construction goes circular” event was a great success

In the middle of October 2022 a conference of “Construction Goes Circular” was organized by Peikko Group, together with partners Iscowa, City of Lahti and Green Building Council Finland. Some 180...

Issue 01/2023

Towards sustainable and green building industry – Dismount and reuse of precast structures

At the end of 2021, the Finnish company Peikko implemented a pilot project in which a load-bearing frame of concrete elements and slim-floor beams was assembled, disassembled and reassembled. The main...

Issue 01/2023 BRÜNINGHOFF

Production of wood-concrete composite floor slabs optimized

The company Brüninghoff, a leading manufacturer of wood-concrete composite floor slabs (WCC floor slabs) in Europe, has further optimized the production process of these elements and is stepping up...

Issue 01/2023 DENNERT

Easier, faster and dry – adding another story with precast concrete floor slabs

Building plots are scarce in many towns and communities. But new living space can also be created with an additional story. “In many buildings there is literally still room for expansion upward,” says...

Issue 01/2023 DYCKERHOFF

Large-format UHPC façade elements for Lithuanian university sports center

The largest university sports center in Lithuania is located in Kaunas. It is part of the Vytautas Magnus University and was named after Valdas Adamkus, the former President of Lithuania and Honorary...

Issue 01/2023

Issue 01/2023

Issue 01/2023

Issue 01/2023 AMMANN ELBA

Modernization during operation at Thomas Beton

With careful planning, the concrete plant of Thomas Beton, Lürschau was successfully modernized during ongoing operations. An Ammann Elba CBS 120 SB concrete mixing plant was connected to an on-site...


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