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Issue 07/2012

Eurocodes and German Annexes in English

Beuth Verlag GmbH provides a new online service especially for foreign construction companies by developing the English version of „Eurocode online“. Apart from the Eurocodes, the service includes...

Issue 07/2012

Color control: The gray of cement

Interview with Dr. Peter Boos, director of Heidel­berg Cement’s central laboratory in Ennigerloh, Germany   Why is cement gray? Dr. Peter Boos: This is actually based on the question of why...

Issue 07/2012

Manufacturers of prefabricated houses: Apps for iPad

The Bundesverband Deutscher Fertigbau (BDF - Association of German Premanufactured Building Manufacturers) pre­sents the first iPad apps of German manufacturers of prefabricated buildings. Thanks to...

Issue 07/2012

CRH transfers its 49% holding in Portuguese cement joint venture

CRH plc, the international building materials company, announces that it has transferred its 49% shareholding in Secil, the Portuguese cement producer, to Semapa (SGPS, S.A.), its former joint venture...

Issue 07/2012

The San Juan Stadium in Argentina

The multi-function facility was built between 2009 and 2011 and is, among other things, the home ground of the CA San Martin de Juan soccer club and offers room for a total of 25,286 spectators.  The...

Issue 07/2012

Rampf paved the way to EURO 2012

The European Soccer Championship that has just come to its end triggered a giant investment avalanche in the Ukraine and Poland. Both countries profit from the infrastructure projects completed on the...

Issue 07/2012

VDI/BV-BS Code of Practice-6205: How does a CE marking get onto a transport anchor?

The CE marking is a symbol of a manufacturer’s declaration of conformity: i.e., a manufacturer or his agent who places a product on the market declares that he has manufactured the product to which...


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