BASF products contribute to the construction
On June 11 the first whistle of this year’s biggest soccer event blew. The match took place at Soccer City, one of ten iconic stadiums purpose built to host the event in South Africa. BASF’s Construction Chemicals division has contributed to the construction of no less than six of the ten stadiums.
At Peter Mokaba Stadium in Limpopo for example, BASF’s admixtures were critical to contractor Wilson Bayly Holmes-Ovcon (WBHO) achieving a successful outcome. The selection of admixtures to facilitate construction as well as the production of almost 10, 000 cubes of precast elements on site was critical.
Glenium® SKY 586+, developed for local conditions, provided a structural grade concrete cost effectively using the low-fines, highly abrasive aggregate available in the area. The admixture delivered the increased workability retention essential for hot weather concrete applications and provided...